2012년 1월 6일 금요일

The Secrets for MLM Success Online The Solution is MLM Lead Generation!

and implement the following 10 strategies. It doesn't matter what methods you use to build your Network Marketing team. If you can wrap you head around these and then apply them to your Network will literally be unimaginable.#1) Focus on Distribution instead of Sales.be good at Marketing. Let me tell you folks that I have had great success with my MLM company and I have never sold a product. So many times I’ve heard, Joe is the best salesman at his company. He’s going to do awesome at this opportunity, only to watch Joe fall flat on his face. Let me get this out of the way. It really doesn’t matter if YOU like your MLM company product or not. The only thing that matters is are there enough OTHER PEOPLE that like it. You can not generate Passive Residual Income with sales. then have to invest in teaching and mentoring those that are teachable. If you don't Distributors are important, not Sales People.#2) Build the number and Quality of your Connections.You need to connect with everyone you meet. CONNECT! The more well-connected people you attract, the bigger your organization. Well-connected people do not have very much trouble getting things done. They know the proper people. To build a huge organization, you need the right people with the right connections. That is the beauty of marketing this business online. The people that are well connected on the internet, are some of the most well connected people on the planet.#3) Hang around better people.Why would you want to market this to your next door neighbor. If he so successful, why does he live on the same street you do? Think about it. You want to improve yourself financially, hang around rich people. Want to be more spiritual…. you guessed it. One of my favorite quotes is from Anthony Robbin, “We are the sum total of the expectations of the people around us. If you want watch repair tools to be better, hang around better people.” Remember, success leaves clues.#4) Give without a need to receive.This is difficult for most people starting out in Network Marketing. They are so keyed up on getting this person and that person into their business that The only way the right people will want to come into your business, is because they want to work with you. If they sense that you are trying to hard sell or you are desperate, they are gone. Building a network that is healthy, takes time and a lot of effort. If it was easy, everyone would be on stage. Divorce yourself from the outcome. You need to concentrate on the long term relationships with your team members. If you are planning to signup two people and pull out a lawn chair and wait for the checks in the mail, you're going to be in for a big dose of reality.#5) Create Stories.Notice I said create, not make up. The stories of Network Marketing Successes are some of the greatest stories of entrepreneurial spirit that I’ve every heard. The people you build your team with should be people that you want to hang out with. Why do you think that the leaders within your company all flock together? They have common goals and great stories that they share with each other. Once you are no longer living in scarcity, the friendships and social community you create with Network Marketing will be your long term enjoyment in this industry.#6) help your team do the same.I’ve often heard it said, “Network Marketing is a Self Improvement Course that if done right will pay you well.” Even more so, the quicker and more effectively you invest in self-improvement, the #7) Dream big and make Motorcycle Apparel your new ones even bigger.Being a physician, I have had the unfortunate experience with people that stop dreaming. They give up and quit on life. You have to protect your dreams and teach your team to do the same. It can be the vehicle to carry you to your dreams as long as you stay behind the wheel and keep it on the road.#8) Take action for goodness sake1Don’t analyze and calculate. In fact I would tell you that you shouldn’t even look at your downline printouts or graphics for at least 6 months. Just know that if you act and you learn and you apply and act some more and teach your team to do the same…. the company will send you money. The more you act, the more money they send.#9) Focus more on your People Skills rather than your technical abilities.Don’t think that doing your marketing on the internet means you don’t have to talk with people. In fact if you have the right system, you will be talking to more people. If you are not comfortable talking to people…. get that way. You can not succeed in MLM without people skills. The better they are, the bigger your organization.#10) Outsource and Duplicate as much as possible.As your team gets bigger, this becomes more important. The 4 Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferris is a must read if you are in Network Marketing.The techniques that I currently use to build my MLM company, are a blueprint used by the best Marketers in the world and they WORK. The system not only works for you but it works for your entire team which is massive in its power. Do yourself a favor and take a look at this system. It will change your life. So much so that if you apply yourself and follow the system, you will not even recognize yourself in a years time.David G. Heon, MD

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