2012년 1월 8일 일요일

MLM Recruits Born to Sell

The structure of an MLM business contains four pillars. These pillars support a wide variation of methods for reaching success. From these methods you will devise a series of actions. Whatever actions you choose they need to be done repeatedly. To reach success you need to set some goals and work toward them day in and day out. The foundation holds these pillars that stand for 1.Lead generation, 2. Conversion, 3.Training, 4.Retention.The first pillar is lead generation. There are two ways to generate leads, belly to belly or online. No matter which way you decide there are many ways to do it. Whatever method you choose, find something that you are competent doing. Maybe you are a people person and need to meet people face to face. Choosing online you need to be aware of the many Web 2.0 sites and how to use them. Online marketing success requires that you create a network between the different methods where they are feeding back and forth with each other creating a web of information.Being successful in an MLM business requires the use ofmany marketing techniques but the most important rule is to be consistent.So, you have gotten some leads now what are you going to do? If you do not know how to convert them what good are the leads? Lead conversion is the key to making money or recruiting Iphone 4s Cases a new agent. This is where the time you took to learn some selling techniques is going to pay off. Once you have their attention it is time to start closing the sale. One important tool to learn is how to close a sale. It is important that you rely on the masters of sales to teach you, go to Nightingale.com and find what you need. It is best to be familiar with the different techniques and be able to use whichever one fits the situation. When you have learned how to close a sale, it is important to practice so that during the closing you can do it effortlessly. Some times sales can feel awkward. That is why you need to study from a good source and spend time learning, once you have done that, there is nothing stopping you from succeeding.The last two, training and retention can be talked about together because without one you cannot have the other. The funny thing about the MLM industry is that although it is all about sales, very few people that are involved have had any sales training. So, how do you train someone to do something in a short amount of time that can take years to develop? (See below for more information about training)If you could find the magic key to retention you would have it made in this industry, but one thing for sure is that if you do not have good training you will not have good retention. Success spurs retention. Without personal success in whatever MLM you are in, your recruits will not stay.There are many factors to consider when you are developing a successful MLM business. First of all is the generation of new leads. Upon getting this new lead you have to decide if they are qualified enough to warrant further time commitment. No need in trying to recruit someone that is not right Android Phones for your business. The next thing is converting that lead to a new agent and following through with the training. New recruit training should be varied enough that they can find what will ensure their success. In the end you can achieve high retention rates if you put enough focus on each of the other pillars. With sufficient focus on each pillar you can have success in an MLM business.

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