2012년 1월 11일 수요일

How To Build Your Business Smart Using A Funded Proposal

How To Use A Funded Proposal To Generate Multiple Income StreamsNine out of ten home business owners actually end up spending more than they ever make. A mind boggling numberif you think about it. But you don't have to be a negative nymber. There's a very specific reason why most network marketers don't make money, and an equally simple solution. The missing piece to the puzzle is to use a system that creates multiple income streams so that you get paid from a variety of sources.This is called having a Funded Proposal and it is the second essential corner stone to building a profitable business online. Say you make a presentation to 100 people on your business opportunity. How many of them are actually China Wholesale going to join you? The average is between 4-5%. So The real question is - how much money are you taking inoff all the people who say no?If your answer is "none" - then you're not running your business efficiently. The plain fact is, 95% of the prospects you generate are never going to by your products or become distributors in your organization. That's just the way it works. On top of that, each of those prospects is actually costing you money, whether you're buying leads from a lead broker, or paying to advertise. So, if you're only selling your one primary business, you're only leveraging5% of your potential income. In other words, you're leaving 95% of your profits on the table.And that that is NOT the way to run a successful business. In fact, it's the main reason most business fail. So how can you monetize that other 95% of your lead base and increaseyour profits? A smart business owner does thisby and taking advantage of a funded proposal to create a professional sales funnel for your business and make money from a prospect even when that prospect does NOT join your opportunity.The key to creating Funded Proposal is to become an affiliate for a low cost high quality retail product that is targeted to your cliinet base. Here's how it works: You advertise an inexpensive retail product on the front end that can be marketed automatically and purchased directly on line so sales come in 24/7 without you having to be involved.Rather than asking people to shell out a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars to join your business, you promote a low cost retail product that offers a real solution to their problems, like a marketing course or training guide that costs around 30-40-maybe 50 bucks.The reason this is effective is because most people would rather be given information on how to do something than actually have to go out and do it themselves.Once you understand how to read peopleyou can take advantage of it by giving people exactly what they want.Okay, so let's take a detailed look at exactly how this works. With a funded proposal, your retail sales pay for you to advertise your primary business. So let's say you pay $500 for 100 leads. And none them join your business. But 15 of those leads buy a $50 affiliate product form you. Depending on the payout, that's anywhere from $500 to $750 pure profit.You either got those leads for FREE, or actually got paidto prospect. So how cool is that? You're getting paid to prospect! This is what the master marketers do to actually get their leads for free. And you can use the exact same method. the smart way is to plow that money back into your advertising, which means you can advertise with no ceiling and generate as many leads as you want, absolutely FREE.Especially in the beginning, those quick sales from your affiliate products are essential to keeping you in the game as you build your real business. And it's better for the long term as well. Because now you have customers. Those leads are now on your list and might buy something else from you in the future, including your primary business. If the products you recommend are for real by the end of that course or that training guide, your prospect will see you as an expert leader and some of them will have talkedthemselves into joining you in your opportunity. They'll be calling you up, ready to get started!Let's take a closer look at exactly how this works. You haven't done any busy work, no phone calls or emails, and you haven't had todeal withany rejection, but now you're monetizing about 20% of your leads instead of just 5%. As you can see, by using a funded proposal, you've basically quadrupled your business. As you sponsor new reps, you'll show them how to duplicate the exact same process. They'll make money early on and your team will have a lower attrition rate, which Motor Parts means more money in your pocket as well.And really, it's just a much cooler, more human way of doing business and an effective way to build a relationship with your prospects by providing genuine value...WARNING: DON'T LOSE FOCUS! All promarketers know that the REAL MONEY is made with the big ticket high-commission product at the back end of your sales funnel. DO NOT become a scatter bomb and lose your focus trying to pitch a zillion different affiliates. Be selective and only affiliate with retail products that are very specific to your niche and will be of REAL VALUE to the kind of prospect you want to join your team. Equally important: the affiliates you choose should run on automated systems so you don't have to waste time sweating the small stuff.The real goal with affiliate sales is to build your list and develop relationships while getting your advertising for FREE. Make sure you don't get so involved with marketing affiliate products that you lose sight of the main goal - which is to build your team and leverage the high-end commissions!

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