2012년 3월 1일 목요일

Oakley Juliet- Protect Your Eyes From The Ultraviolet Spectrum

It is easy for you to imagine the danger associated with something which you can see and perceive, you can contemplate and estimate the intensity of the threat posed by it to you. But what about those things, which threatens you and you are not even able to see them? What unknown territory of problems awaits you is something about which you have no idea at all. You can be blinded by this unseen danger. One such danger S107 helicopter is UV rays from the sun. What a devastating effect it can have over your eyes is something you will be even scared to imagine. An invisible form of ray has the power to tear away your retina at a speed of 186,000 miles/second. Oakley Juliet sunglasses manufacturing company is aware of such destructive power of UV rays and has designed sunglasses to give you ample protection when exposed to devilish rays such as these.UV rays can cause a condition called cataract in your eyes. In this condition the eye rc flying fish lens become stiff and they turn opaque. If any substance turns opaque then it would not allow rays of light to penetrate through it. So the portion of the lens that grows opaque will naturally turn blind to some extent as it would not allow the light from any object to reach the retina to form the inverted image. A condition called the photokeratitis results which is actually a burn caused in the cornea of eyes, pterygium where extra tissues grow in the eyes resulting a block in the vision are caused by UV rays, if it directly comes in contact with the eyes. A condition called the macular degeneration may also result which will inhibit the formation of image in the brain.The Oakley sunglasses use the technology of plutonite to prevent the penetration of UV rays to your eyes. It is not only good at stopping the lower form of UVA energy but also many other higher energy and wavelength rays of UV. Practically it can stop all the wavelengths of UV rays including UVA, UVB, UVC and also blue lights that are harmful for the eyes with 100% efficiency of course. This protection is built with latest technology in the material of the lens. It is not made up of flimsy coatings which can be destroyed with minor scratches merely and expose your pupils that are in a dilated condition to the ravages of UV rays irresponsibly.The technology employed by them ensures a very good visual clarity and the lens can be curved to its maximum so S107 helicopter that it can render a very good service in protecting the lens of your eyes from harmful UV radiations.So now you have the perfect weapon to fight your unseen enemy with the help of Oakley Juliet.

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